This is an article from a football fan who is seeking stronger action to be taken by the FA when players commit blatant diving offences during matches. Please read the article and if you agree sign his petition.
‘I am writing this as an ordinary football fan who supports a club in The Championship. I am looking for support from other fans for a petition to the FA to take firm action about players diving in football matches. The pundits seem to like the controversy, but I feel sure all lovers of football would prefer to see diving cut out of the game.
Diving is cheating pure and simple. Diving is something a player chooses to do, it cannot happen by accident, and it is therefore the equivalent of a professional foul.
Our initial goal is to reach 100 signatures and we need more support. You can read more and sign the petition here:
Diving has been growing in recent years and has reached the point where it is spoiling the ‘beautiful game’ and making the job of referee far more difficult than it should be. The integrity of the game is at stake, and the FA is in a position to set an example to the rest of the world.
Referees are really struggling and need support from the FA to make their job easier. Firm action on this will lead to fewer mistakes and a better chance of the best teams being promoted rather than the ones who have benefited most from referee errors at crucial times.
My suggestion, intended as a catalyst for debate within the FA, is as follows:
1) Post match use of video technology should be used whenever available.
2) Clear cases of diving should be punished by ‘retrospective action’ as ‘bringing the game into disrepute’.
3) Diving should become a red card offence when the referee spots it.
4) A 3 game ban would be appropriate punishment and the threat of this would act as a deterrent.
Firm action by the FA along these lines will quickly have an effect, as fewer players will take the decision to fall over.
When sufficient signatures have been obtained, the intention is to send the petition to two Directors of the FA – Darren Bailey, Director for Football Governance and Regulation and Jonathan Hall, Director of Football Services.
Although 100 signatures is the initial goal, I hope this campaign will take off online with many more joining in as it gains more publicity.
A link to the petition is also available on Twitter at #stopdiving or by contacting @desmond58. In addition to the petition, I recommend a simple tweet as follows: @FA #stopdiving
Many thanks in advance for your support,
Jimmy Barker‘
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