We at Vital like to communicate all angles of football, including surveys, campaigns and general football information. This latest press release struck a cord with us as we saw a former England hero, who has been to hell and back with leukaemia is showing what a star man he is by not only surviving this terrible illness, but also picking himself back up and looking to raise awareness and funds to help others who also need treatment and care. He hasn’t done it in half measures either!! So here goes, although we are wary of pushing charity communications as we all have our own charities etc, we thought this information was worthy of all of our attentions:
As many of you already know , Geoff Thomas has been linked with Cure Leukaemia for 3 years and continues to raise funds for the charity based at the QE in Birmingham, as well as other Cancer Charities. . . . . . . . . . . .
The Tour de France, that 3,600 km, nearly all uphill race of endurance for the superfit and slightly mad, started in London.
On Monday, Geoff Thomas, the former England Footballer together with 5 other cancer survivors – plus Geoff’s footballing pal Ian Wright – also started ‘Le Tour’ in the wake of the professional riders, with a film crew in tow! It has been described as the equivalent of running 21 consecutive daily marathons!
The professionals are riding for the kudos, team and personal gain; Geoff and the boys are trying to raise as much money as possible to go right to the heart of Clinical Research and fund trials for new treatments and therapies which are saving the lives of Leukaemia and other Cancer sufferers.
Geoff had a bone marrow transplant only 3 years ago and thanks to the efforts of his team of Doctors, he is on course to beat this terrible disease. Not everyone is as lucky as Geoff in having had a close bone marrow match so the need for these other treatments and therapies to save the lives of thousands of people who are newly diagnosed every year is critical.
The GEOFF THOMAS FOUNDATION is unique in that it is working with the best brains & centres in the country to fund advances in the creation of drugs and treatment regimes that will ACTUALLY SAVE PEOPLES LIVES.
I have attached a direct link to the foundation website. Aside from the information on what the Foundation is doing and the amazing medical Professors that we are funding, the most important part of the site is the DONATE link. The site is at: www.geoffthomasfoundation.com
Thank you very much for reading this and hopefully you will feel able to support Geoff and the boy`s efforts and donate to the fund.
All at the Geoff Thomas Foundation.
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