When The Ball Moves…79

News about the forthcoming issue from editor Barnsey…

WTBM…79 will be hitting the shelves (and streets) in time for Burnley’s Boxing Day game against the Trotters. We’re not sure what Del Boy and Rodney would make of it, but we think they would say, ‘Cushty, mange tout, bonnet de douche, mon brave!’ or something similar.

52 pages in length, and at just £1.50, WTBM… represents a must-read for the discerning Burnley fan.

Included in this issue are: match reviews from West ‘Am and Pompeii; some interesting branding opportunities as yet unexplored by the Burnley Club Shop; a review of 2009 (part one); marks out of 10 for the players so far this season; some Christmas cheer; thoughts on the varying seating standards around the PL; OC’s motivational style, oh, and some quotes from the legend that is Kevin Keegan.

Sounds too good to be true? Well, it probably should be, but it isn’t! On sale outside the Turf and at the Culvert Newsagents on Boxing Day.


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